Morning sunlight in Simi ValleyYou work hard to create a home that provides your family and possessions safety from the elements. Over the years, scientists have realized more and more how much damage UV rays can do to furniture, decorations, and, of course, people’s health. When you go to the beach, you put on sunscreen or a hat for protection, but within your home you don’t have the same sense that the sun’s rays could harm you. With safety window film in Simi Valley, your home and your health can be protected. For these 3 reasons, we recommend anyone consider tinting their windows.

Furniture Fading

When you buy a nice couch or chair, you’re expecting that the purchase is an investment that will last for years. However, if you have lots of sun coming in your windows, it can have a serious impact. Over time, the sun will break down the pigment in the cloth and fade the colors. Protecting your furniture will help you avoid having to replace furnishings before their time and keep them looking great every day.

Book and Decoration Preservation

Books and decorations are precious to many homeowners. Photos of loved ones, paintings, and tapestries can all be valuable in terms of money and their sentimental capital. Keeping the sun off these objects will prevent them from sustaining damage day to day that will eventually ruin them. We recommend window tinting in Simi Valley to keep your valuable objects looking their best and to prevent them from getting brittle.

Protect Your Skin

We’ve heard the warnings loud and clear: UV rays greatly increase the risk of cancer and can prematurely age people. You don’t need to worry when you’re in your own home. Getting window tinting can help you feel comfortable spending time in a sunny kitchen or in your favorite chair in the daylight. Because of its protective value, more and more homeowners are choosing to get their windows covered with sophisticated tint that blocks the UV rays from entering the glass.