The cost of energy is sky high. That’s why using less energy than necessary becomes vital when looking at your financial bottom line. The best way to use less is to make sure that as little of it as possible is escaping from your windows. Locally, one way to do this is to use energy-efficient window films in Los Angeles. Companies like Select Window Films know all about this as well as how to get available tax incentives for even more money savings.

No More Money Going out the Window

As much as one-third of the energy loss that occurs in a home or building escapes through its windows. Considering the money figure that goes along with this amount, doing something about the energy loss is important for your expense budget.

Energy-Saving Window Films

A great way to keep heat or air conditioning from escaping through windows is to insulate your windows. There’s no need to replace your windows with expensive ones. Transparent window films can accomplish the same effect and are a great way to let light in while keeping dollars in your wallet. In the summer, window films keep cooling air from escaping and provide up to 99.9% UV protection. In the winter, window films let warm sunlight in while keeping furnace heat from escaping.

Get Tax Incentives

Pretty much all cities in and around the Los Angeles area offer rebate purchasing programs for energy-saving upgrades on windows. Tax incentives are also available to add further savings to the mix. It’s a win-win situation: rebates/tax incentives and energy savings.

So, while energy costs continue to increase, your energy usage can continue to decrease. Stop wasting valuable profits and income on letting energy fly out the window. Take the time to consider installing window films in Los Angeles where energy costs are among the highest in the nation.