Are you looking for a way to increase the privacy, security, and UV resistance of your windows? Many people have large windows, close neighbors, or important objects in their home that they want to keep safe. With added window tinting, many of the problems resulting from these situations could disappear. The following benefits of hiring a privacy window companies in Los Angeles can give you peace of mind and value for years into the future.

Glare and UV Reduction

Have you noticed that if you move a picture on a sunny wall, the paint or wallpaper in the spot where it hung is darker than the rest of the wall? UV rays fade pigments in tapestries, wallpaper, paint, photographs, couch fabric, and books. The damage can happen in a matter of years, so if you want to reduce the need to replace items in sunny rooms, adding film to your windows can make a drastic difference. If you collect art objects, you can’t afford not to add tinting to large windows that let in damaging rays. Our fade protection films provide up to 99.9% blockage from UV rays.

UV window films near Los Angeles can also reduce the amount of glare on your TVs or computer screens. Especially in west-facing rooms, this can mean a better experience watching movies in the evening or doing research on your computer. It’s a pain to have to adjust blinds and curtains. Window films provide protection without you having to do a thing.

Improved Insulation and Reduced Costs

When you invest in window tinting Santa in Monica, you’ll be making your home more energy efficient and become a more sustainable member of your community. Much of a house’s heat leaches through its windows. If you’ve gotten an energy assessment and know that you’re losing heat or cool air through your windows, making sure they’re sealed and investing in tinting can help. With solar windows in Los Angeles, you can reduce your carbon footprint and pay less every month for your utility bill.

Safety Features

Tinted glass is more difficult to break, and if it does, it breaks into larger pieces that are easier to clean up. If someone were to try to break into your home, tinting on your windows would make it much more difficult to smash them. Most home security is more about deterring thieves, so with a privacy shield on your windows and the extreme force needed to break into a home with tinting, the home with tinted windows is much less likely to be the victim of crime.

If you live in an area with an elevated crime rate or you are concerned about potential damage from natural disasters like earthquakes, tint can provide your windows with an extra layer of protection. Although tint is thin, it provides an extreme level of structural support for glass. A tinted window is less likely to shatter when a powerful storm hits.

Even if the windows on your home are unusual sizes or shapes, we can help you tint to your custom needs. With different types of tint available for even custom windows near Los Angeles, your window tinting will match the unique vision you have.